All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


周腾朝,计算媒体艺术家,独立研究员,1990年出生于江西。四年级搬到广州,并学会了粤语。小时候学过水墨画、毛笔字。11岁接触Flash动画、游戏设计后一直通过计算机创作。2013年本科毕业于纽约大学计算机系与金融系。曾于LIDO艺术中心教授艺术编程,Shapeways、Orson、Buzzd担任软件工程师,hackNY fellow,自行创立instantAha LLC / Maer Studios Inc,兼任设计师、软件工程师。目前在广州继续艺术和学术方面的追求。

Tengchao Zhou, a computational media artist, independent researcher, was born in 1990 in Jiangxi, China. Zhou moved to Guangzhou when he was in the fourth grade and became conversant in Cantonese. Tengchao's early influences in art include studying ink wash painting and calligraphy before attending primary school. At the age of 11, he took classes in Flash animation and game design. Since then he did not stop creating projects with computer programming.Majoring in Computer Science and Finance, Tengchao earned a bachelor's degree from New York University in 2013. He taught Creative Coding at LIDO Art Center, worked as a software engineer at Shapeways, Orson, and buzzd, a hackNY fellow, founded the company instantAha LLC / Maer Studio Inc, and worked there as a designer and software engineer. Now he continues artistic and intellectual pursuits in Guangzhou.


Before Becoming Familiar

2019.11.03 (Sun.) 19:30

Stars In Formation,artificial intelligence & 3D printing, Courtesy of the artist
12 x 12 x 24 cm, 2019
Location: V2_Lab for the Unstable Media
Picture by Fenna de Jong & Berksun Doganer

Dating Pool, computer simulation, variable size, 2018

Courtesy of the artist


几点当代艺术中心(Points Center for Contemporary Art)于2017年创立,致力于支持全球当代艺术创作与记录、推广当代艺术与文化研究,主要项目包括艺术家驻留、档案数据库建设、展览及公共教育活动等。艺术中心提倡“艺术中的生活”,邀请并支持具有当代艺术创作视野的全球艺术家在地生活、创作,与在地文化艺术形成联结,以此激发全球化当代创作的能量。几点致力于为艺术创作者提供优质的条件,并为公众建立与当代艺术互动的环境和平台。

Points Center for Contemporary Art, founded in 2017, is devoted to the creation and recording of contemporary art and the promotion of art and culture. Main projects include artist residency, the construction of an archival database, exhibitions, and public education activities. The center advocates "life within art" inviting and supporting the life and creation of global artists in this center, forming a connection with local art and culture. We espouse contemporary artistic vision and explosive creative power in order to stimulate the energy of globalized contemporary creation. Points devotes itself to providing high-quality conditions for art creators and creating an environment and platform for the public to interact with contemporary art.


V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media is an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam (the Netherlands). V2_ presents, produces, archives and publishes research at the interface of art, technology and society. Founded in 1981, V2_ offers a platform for artists, designers, scientists, researchers, theorists, and developers of software and hardware from various disciplines to discuss their work and share their findings. In V2_'s view, art and design play an essential role in the social embedding of technological developments. V2_ creates a context in which issues regarding the social impact of technology are explored through critical dialogue, artistic reflection and practice-oriented research.



Creative Coding像文学创作,编程的过程即是打字的过程。编程依赖编程语言,和文学同是通过“语言”进行创作。读者可以在文学中读到美妙的语言,而通过编程创作的作品,编程语言则处于看不到的后台,不为观众所见。


周腾朝喜欢植物的形态,其创作受到植物的启发。不同于从事Creative Coding时,一个人在电脑前的工作,驻地期间,他常常离开工作室去观察生活在城市中的植物。近些年,Creative Coding里出现一个新的关注点——即2014年诞生的基于GAN算法的AI艺术。周腾朝的创作试图打破二维GAN算法下的平面空间。他将植物新老枝干间的空间关系和AI算法不同阶段生成的图案对应起来,从而赋予AI艺术和自然间新的联系。

Many occupations involve computer programming. Many of us heard about programmers or software engineers. Also, we have computer scientists who create knowledge for specific fields in computer science such as Cryptography, Theory of Computation and Computer Graphics. And some people work in interdisciplinary fields such as computational linguistics, computational biology, and computational finance. Besides, some people apply computer science in arts, such as visual arts, sound art, literary arts and performing arts.

When you come to the terrain of programming and arts, you will meet people of various roles. Some programmers often collaborate with artists, artists who often collaborate with programmers, artists who create artworks through computer programming, and programmers who build tools for artists. Furthermore, some scholars observe and write about this interdisciplinary area.

Writing code is similar to writing literature: both of these activities involve typing and using languages to express ideas. However, while readers of literary arts can see and appreciate the language in the final works, traces of programming languages are often invisible to the audience.

While both software engineers and computational media artists write code, engineers often need to follow determined blueprints. However, while artists may have blueprints to start with, the destination is not set in stone. An artist can and probably should incorporate whims and inspirations befallen him during the creation process.

Tengchao likes the form of plants, and his creation is inspired by plants. Usually a person needs to sit in front of a computer in a studio alone and separate himself from beautiful nature while coding. However, during the residency in Rotterdam, he often left the studio to observe the plants that live in the city. In recent years, there has been a new focus in Creative Coding - the AI art based on the GAN algorithm that was born in 2014. Zhou's creation attempts to break the plane space confined by two-dimensional GAN algorithms. He mapped the spatial relationship between the old and new branches of the plant and the patterns generated at different stages of the AI algorithm, thus giving a new connection between AI art and nature.