All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 



"Fong Fo" is the name of a monthly magazine that was launched in March 2013. Fong Waiking is the editor-in-chief, Zhu Jianlin is the CEO, BUBU is the publisher, Ou Feihong is the manager of the advertising department, and Ce Zhenhao is the brand ambassador. Taking the form of a general audience reading material, the magazine seeks to collect and inspire artists' creation.Fong Fo Monthly is published on the 21st of the month. It costs one yuan per issue. Fong Fo is known for/as: kickass, democratic, savvy, easy-going, free, fair-minded, sensible, well- behaved, earth-loving, hard-working, reliable, and decent.



Feng Zhenting (b. 1993) is a curator and editor. He received a Master's degree from the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College. Feng is currently based in Guangzhou.


Fong Fo: Extra

2019.09.29 (Sun.)

放映Screening ︎

The Special Issue

彩色有声单频录像,70 分钟。图片由艺术家惠允。
Video still, The Special Issue, 2019
Single channel video, color, sound, 70 min.
Courtesy of the artists.

冯火是一本月刊、一个艺术家团体、一个网络。在美国Hessel Museum of Art举办的展览“冯火:号外”中,冯火的作品首次在中国以外的美术馆中呈现。展览回顾了艺术家们从做书开始的集体实践,并与他们一起思考关于日常和网络连结的问题。


从 2013 年月刊创刊并之后以“艺术家小组”为人所知,冯火的实践一直在变化;关于实践,他们发展出了一套灵活且发散的工作方式。在超过六年的合作中,这群艺术家为应对不同语境创造了不同的工作结构。在项目“特刊”中,展览被想象为出版物的实体化空间,在其中呈现冯火多面的工作模式。




Fong Fo is a monthly magazine, an artist collective, and a network of people. The exhibition Fong Fo: Extra curated by Feng Zhenting at the Hessel Museum of Art was the first museum presentation of works by Fong Fo outside of China and in the United States. The exhibition reflects on the collective's practices—deriving from and informed by their work in publishing—and thinks along the lines of the artists' concerns for the everyday and network building.

The screening in the afternoon will present Fong Fo's video piece The Special Issue, which is part of the eponymous project that consists of a video, a painting, a sculpture, and a publication, commissioned by the exhibition.

Starting in 2013 as a monthly magazine and later recognized as an "artist group", Fong Fo has developed a working model that is flexible, generative, and constantly evolving, and one that is about practice. Through six years of collaboration, the collective has created different structures to respond to different circumstances. The project "The Special Issue" imagines the exhibition as a materialized space of the publication, embodying the multifaceted working model of Fong Fo.

The curator will introduce examples of artist publishing the curator came across during the research process, then the artists and the curator will talk about their collaboration in this exhibition, followed by discussions regarding Fong Fo's practice as a publisher in relation to its other activities.

The commissioned project "The Special Issue" consists of a video, a sculpture, a publication, and a painting that is also reproduced on the cover of the magazine. The three exhibition components are all interrelated. In the painting in the exhibition, there is an architectural section of House 49, a house owned by Zhu, located in an old neighborhood in Guangzhou now rented by a couple. In December, 2018, Zhu hosted a series of events when a small exhibition was on view at the house. The video installation was made based on discussions about history, identity, and community in relation to space in these events. Carried out at the end of the sixth year of the magazine, this project provides an overview of Fong Fo's recent activities while also speculating on the collective's future.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the following institutions for their support of the exhibition:Ann Butler, Muheb Esmat, Liu Yang/Atelier Waterside, Wei Qiusong, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Fong Fo Press, and Fong Fo Forever Advertisement.