All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


Clifford E. Bruckmann, one of the founders of Swiss independent art space Hamlet.

Cathrin Jarema, one of the founders of Swiss independent art space Hamlet.

Ludovica Parenti, one of the founders of Swiss independent art space Longtang.


Bruce Bo Ding is a space practitioner who used to create space for himself, but now he is more willing to try to create space for others / with others.


All todays, all tomorrows

2019.09.11, 7:30pm

照片由龙塘提供image courtesy of Longtang

从哈姆雷特屋顶观看,由克里福德E.布鲁克曼·哈姆雷特拍摄,照片由哈姆雷特提供 View from rooftop of Hamlet, photo by Clifford E. Bruckmann/Hamlet, photo courtesy of Hamlet

马蒂娜·马奇勒的展览装置现场“鬼魂还会相信我们吗?”,由弗拉维奥·卡雷尔拍摄,照片由艺术家和哈姆雷特提供  Installation view from the exhibition "do ghosts still believe in us?" by Martina Mächler, photo by Flavio Karrer, photo courtesy of the artist and Hamlet



Pro Helvetia is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary cultural works of national and international interest. It also fosters co-productions or exchanges between Swiss artists and artists from other countries, in particular from countries where Pro Helvetia has a regional office.
Pro Helvetia Shanghai is founded in 2010 and represents the Swiss Arts Council in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau. Its aim is to encourage dialogue between Swiss and Chinese cultural practitioners and institutions by supporting projects that enhance the exchange of knowledge and experience in the cultural field.


2018年春,由Ludovica Parenti(鲁多维卡·帕伦蒂)、Anne Gruber(安妮·格鲁伯尔)、Emil Michael Klein(埃米尔·迈克尔·克莱恩)和Tobias Kaspar(托比亚斯·卡斯帕)创建的龙塘是“一个通过当代艺术进行思考的库”。它位于最近规划的社区和住房合作社“Mehr als Wohnen(德语,不仅仅是生活)”。从一开始,龙塘就开始与艺术家在网站、字体和建筑方面建立关系,介绍了它的整体关注点,例如质疑一个机构的性质、连贯性和代表性,就艺术与服务之间的关系进行谈判,或是生活和工作方式。




哈姆雷特成立于2018年,并于2019年开始其展览计划。由Cathrin Jarema(凯瑟琳·贾勒马)和Clifford E. Bruckmann(克利福德 E·布鲁克曼)管理,并且与不同的合作者和伙伴一起发起、主持和促进项目。此外,哈姆雷特的自我理解涉及研究工作,特别是(但不限于)关于空间本身的城市环境。



“2019年9月6日至8日,第四届北京独立艺术空间节(IAS)如期而至,根据主办方的介绍,这是一个‘以促进连接、分享知识为主旨的活动,希望能将北京的小众空间、非营利和非商业画廊聚集在一起。‘身处独立艺术空间发展活跃的北京,此次IAS一共邀请了24个北京空间和10个分别来自德国、澳大利亚、瑞士和日本的国际空间参与其中。替代空间一直是艺术图景中重要的组成部分,此次活动将分享讲者在IAS的见闻与体验,并以此为契机,邀请大家一起来讨论 :替代空间如何找到各自工作的方法和实践的动力。”




Longtang was founded as "a tank to think through contemporary art" in spring 2018 by Ludovica Parenti, Anne Gruber, Emil Michael Klein and Tobias Kaspar. It is located at the edge of the recently planned neighbourhood and housing cooperative "Mehr als Wohnen" (engl. “More Than Living" ). From the very beginning, Longtang started to establish relationships with artists for website, fonts and architecture- introducing its integral concerns such as questioning the nature of an institution its coherence and representation as well as negotiating the relationship between art and service or living and working formats.

The think tank's working rooms have housed workshops, readings, screenings, concerts, dinners, productions and exhibitions of young as well as established artists, with a particular interest in facilitating an intensive examination of the artist's practice. These rooms are accompanied by three studios, one of which is offered as short- or long-term residency to artists according to their needs.

Longtang is also shaped by other projects such as cooperations with companies and institutions -established and fictional- and the publication PROVENCE. The editorial work of the biannually published magazine permeates the programming of the think tank and vice versa.

Hamlet was founded in 2018 and started its exhibition program in 2019. It is run by Cathrin Jarema and Clifford E. Bruckmann and initiates, hosts and facilitates projects also with changing collaborators and accomplices. In addition, Hamlet's self-understanding involves research efforts, especially - but not exclusively - in regards to the urban surrounding of the space itself.


Hamlet's focus lies on issues and varying notions of transformation, generational gaps and conflicts, as well as the distribution of property, power and information. Different methods are employed and experimented with in order to support the development and dissemination of knowledge: on one hand, Hamlet uses established formal approaches and tropes and on the other hand attempts to offer a surrounding allowing discourse, experimentation and disruption.

Hamlet is also dedicated to offering less established artist's positions early individual presentations in a proto-institutional setting as well as group shows and alternative forms of artistic presentation.It is part of Hamlet's mission to keep the space and the work developing within as accessible as possible by removing barriers and directly addressing a wide audience actively.

“Independent Art Spaces (IAS) is pleased to announce its fourth edition from 6 - 8 September 2019. According to the organizer's introduction, Independent Art Spaces (IAS) is a network that seeks to unite Beijing's patchwork of alternative, non-profit and non-commercial galleries in the spirit of sharing knowledge and purpose. Beijing is in an active environment for the development of independent art space, they invited beyond excited to have 24 domestic spaces and 10 international spaces from Germany, Australia, Switzerland and Japan participating in this year's festival. The alternative space has always been an important part of the artistic landscape. This event will share the speaker's experiences at IAS. As an opportunity to invite everyone to discuss: how do alternative space to find the motivation of their work methods and practices.”

——Bruce Bo Ding

*The on-site translation of this sharing is supported by Topic Society