All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


Socio-Botanic of San Francisco


2015-16 年进行了《旧金山社会植物学》项目 ( 本项目由旧金山中华文化中心支持实施)。我前面谈到,我工作的主要区域是珠三角,而对于大部分都是讲粤语的海外华人社区也有浓厚的兴趣,我把海外华人社会的文化看成整体的粤语文化的延伸和发展。 所谓延伸性的工作,即在海外华人社区进行工作,我将移民社会和移民植物进行比较。不仅试图理解华人现今的意识状况,并且和在中国大陆的社会意识进行比较,以理解所谓中国的文化历史和发展状况。关键词实验室涉及“公共实验室”的想法(概念),意指将社会议题研究从个人研究方式转向公共性的方式,这里将涉及大量的辩论和争议。在“旧金山”项目中,我通过对几位有双重身份的人士的关注及研究,试图对关键词项目的研究方式作出一些改变。他们都是社会运动人士,同时又是艺术家,并且试图以自己的艺术活动作为社会运动的实践。我通过对这几位人士的社会及艺术活动的叙述进行观察,发现可以进入更广泛的社会空间,并且由他们的活动,将研究带到更开阔的场域。

The Socio-Botanic of San Francisco project was conducted in 2015-16 (this project is supported by the San Francisco Chinese Cultural Center). As I mentioned earlier, the main area of my work is the Pearl River Delta, and I have a strong interest in overseas Chinese communities that are mostly Cantonese-speaking. I see the culture of overseas Chinese societies as an extension and development of the overall Cantonese culture. The so-called extended work, that is, working in overseas Chinese communities, I compare immigrant society with immigrant plants. Not only try to understand the current state of consciousness of the Chinese, but also compare it with the social consciousness in mainland China to understand the so-called cultural history and development of China. Keywords Lab involves the idea (concept) of "public lab", which means to shift the research of social issues from a personal research approach to a public approach, which will involve a lot of debate and controversy. In the Socio-Botanic of San Francisco project, I tried to make some changes to the research method of the keyword project through the attention and research of several people with dual identities. They are both social activists and artists, and they try to use their artistic activities as the practice of social movements. By observing the narratives of the social and artistic activities of these individuals, I found that I can enter a wider social space and take their activities to bring research to a wider field.