All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


康赫,小说家,剧作家,戏剧导演,影像写作创导者,不写诗的诗人。“我在北京生活了二十多年,正好和在浙江老家一样,不知道该算哪儿人。”康赫说,“北京犹如沙地,是流浪汉们的故乡。因而我的命和我的父母一样,是垦荒。”作品长篇小说 :《人类学》、《一个南方的生活样本》、《独行客》影像写作长片:《你好,元点》、《光体》、《裸体采访》短片:《影像人类学》、《一位青年的“洋葱”故事》、《剥洋葱》、《一次关於热内的影像写作》等导演原创戏剧作品:《审问记》、《采访记》、《泄密的心》、《陌生人》、《受诱惑的女人》、《中国鬼魂》、《杂音》编剧作品:《堂吉诃德》声音作品:《中国声音研究之东方红》影像写作文论:《康赫唯一的影评:蔑视》(《艺术世界》杂志2011年第一期)、《闭合与突破》(《上海文化》2018年03期)、《无尽的写作》(《新美术》2018年02期)、《影像中的人物空间关系》(《上海文化》)、《纠缠不清的两个人》(《上海文化》)

Kang He
, comes from Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province, who was born and raised by an bushman and the homeless man. Lived in Beijing from August 1993. After several relocations, he came to Huilongguan from Wangfujing, then took his wife from his hometown and had a son later.  He has changed many careers, such as tutor, chinese teachers of foreign company, columnist of fashion magazines, editor of university website, project planning of performance company, editor of geography magazine, journalist of daily newspaper, director of drama, publisher of food magazine, video writer, stylist, university guest teacher, whip corpse people of contemporary art, image writing promoter. From the real to the virtual, until there is no such. A poet who never wrote poetry. From reality to nothing, until there is no such. A poet who never writes poetry. "Beijing is like the sand, the hometown of the tramps." He said. Therefore, his life is the same as his parents. Works:Full-length novel: Anthropology, A Sample of Life in the South, SolitaireImage Writing Feature Film: Hello Yuan, Light, Nude InterviewShort Film: Image Anthropology, A Youth's Onion Story, Peeling Onion, An Image Writing about Genêts, etc.Directerd Original Drama Work: Interrogation, Interview, Tell Tale, Stranger, The Tempted Woman, Chinese Ghost, NoiseScripting Work: Don QuixoteSound Work: Oriental Red of Chinese Sound ResearchImage Writing Theory: The Only Film Review of Kang He: Despise (Art World Magazine, Issue 1, 2011), Closed and Breakthrough (Shanghai Culture Magazine, Issue 03, 2018), Endless Writing (New Art Magazine, Issue 02, 2018), The Spatial Relationship of Characters in Image (Shanghai Culture Magazine), Two Tangled People (Shanghai Culture Magazine)


he Literature Society in A Low Voice: Literature belongs to people who love literature

2019.08.21, 19:30

放映Screening ︎

Godard: Looking For The Absolute Currency

上海站工作坊现场The workshop of Shanghai station江子熙拍摄 Photo Credit: Jiang Zixi



Literature belongs to those who love literature. There is only one person who loves literature. He will write and read by himself. When two people who love literature are together, they will read and talk to each other. Nowadays, a group of people who love literature will gather together. Everyone will read his own words with his own voice, and through radio waves and mobile phone FM, it will reach everyone's ears around him. Please prepare your words, poetry, novels, essays or speeches, prepare your voice, accent and breath, and convey your own literature to others who love literature.

——Kang He