All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 



Chen Xiaoyang
, a PhD of visual anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University, associate professor of sculpture department , deputy director of GAFA art museum. As an interdisciplinary artist and researcher, in recent years, Chen mainly engaged in the study of anthropology and social participatory art. Most of her projects and works are based on the hidden history and reality of the community. And she always collaborates with volunteer organizations, teaching institutions, museums, and public interest organizations in the lively and diverse social scene. She continues to study, disseminate and recreate the culture of south China by means of experimental exhibitions and research writing. Since 2008, she he has participated in the launching of Lantian project, Nanting research, YUAN Museum and other social participatory art projects.

,艺术家,现生活工作于北京、广州。北京Aiyo space联合发起人, 源美术馆联合发起人。他在绘画、写作、装置、影像等领域,以个人体验的创作方式进行艺术创作研究。他持续进行社会参与式的艺术项目实践。

Yin Kanbao
, an artist. Now working and living in Beijing and Guangzhou, co-founder of Beijing Aiyo space; Co-founder of YUAN museum. In the domains of painting, writing, installation, video and other fields, he made a research of artistic creation in the way of personal experience. He continued to carry out the art project practice of social participation.



Fan Lin is a Professor from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, art critic and curator. She dedicates to teaching and research on western art history, has engaged in contemporary art criticism and exhibition curatorial, and published art criticism articles and artist publications. Fan Lin once served as Academic Committee Member for Lianzhou International Photo Festival and preliminary juries for Award of Art China, and was commissioned as observer for the 6th Momentum Biennial in Norway.


Xia Xunxiang, got his PhD from Department of Sociology, Peking University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010, 2011. He is now an associate professor of Department of Anthropology, school of sociology and anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University. He is major interested in political anthropology, civil society, Hong Kong study, urban studies.


YUAN Museum: The sharing of Dragon Eyes Novel Project

2019.06.10, 7:30pm

The altered old YUAN Museum has the function of manual work workshop and public education
图片由源美术馆提供 Image from YUAN Museum

New YUAN Museum under construction Designed by Qian Miao Dseign Team
图片由源美术馆提供 Image from YUAN Museum

The view of 2016 Dragon Eyes site srecific project exhibition
Image from YUAN Museum


THANKS TO:Huang Yang, Hu Yinping, He Xun, Dai Chenlian, Yang Xinjia, Liu Chengrui, Wenjie Junjie, Pu Yun, Qin Jin, Ye Su, Huang Cheng, Li Boyan, Zhang Zhao, Yang Yifei, Zhong Jialing, Yin Kanbao, Wang Ling, Dong Jinling, Huang Jiayan, Lin Yusi, Han Xinyi, Liu Qingyuan, Zhou Yi, Chen Xiaoyang



Yuan Museum locates in the Le Ming village , where two hours' drive from Guangzhou. The clear rock creek through the village, where is the river source. The stream flows into the pearl river and finally into the sea. With the help of long-term to promote Guangdong Rural Women Development Foundation, an ecological planting cooperatives in the village, the free of litter, tide agriculture academy, natural education of urban and rural areas to build effective practice. Now there is no rubbish in the village road and stream, birds and beasts insect wood hills can be seen, the villagers optimistic studious. In the countryside also sort out professional hiking paths back to come to Le Ming volunteer participants. YUAN Museum is invited by Half-rural school of Guangdong Rural Women Development Foundation and opened in 2016. It is a public welfare action art project, promoted by Chen xiaoyang studio and Yin Kanbao studio in leaming. Since 2016, the YUAN Museum has initiated Dragon Eyes site srecific project, Dragon Eyes corner cabinet project, Dragon Eyes novel project, as well as old Dragon Eyes house renovation workshop and new museum construction.









About Dragon Eyes Novel Project

It is a long term art writing project.

The first issue is from December 10, 2017 to October 28, 2018. Over the past year, we have invited 24 artists to participate in the Dragon Eyes novel writing project.

In early 2019, Dragon Eyes editorial department was responsible for compiling the book.

In December 2017, one of the sponsors, Yin Kanbao wrote in the preface:

This piece of land, there lived a variety of people, their stories. In my mind, everyone is an island. What connects each island is the love in heart and all forms of creation. The writing of artists is a powerful way we expect. Around, there are many artists friends, articles are written well, sometimes just too lazy to start. These people, who have been thinking independently, have keen observation and real life experience, and can think about all kinds of problems we need to face at present from a special perspective, such as life anxiety, love, rights and so on. Friends if you can write the story of the casual, in the present social situation, into a readable, resonate in our short stories, by writing, ease the worries of our existence and thinking on, open a gap, let pile up, the power of the heart, like the red blood cells participate in the social body in the hematopoietic system. This transformation enables artists to promote the establishment of goodness in the construction of the current society in a way that enables them to exert their power. It is also a kind of self-consciousness. At present, I think it is worthwhile to try how an artist can transform the powerless things into a powerful behavior through writing.

In 2019, Professor FanLin for book postscript wrote:

In my eyes, this is the literature of power. The Dragon Eyes novel project invites artists to write in different structural tones, and contributes to such a compelling force, both for themselves and for us as readers.
