All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 



Cheng Xinhao
was born in Yunnan(China) in 1985. He received his PhD on Chemistry from Peking University in 2013. He is working as an artist in Yunnan now. With videos, installations and article writing, his works investigate on the issues in the modernization, the construction of knowledge as well as the production of space in Chinese society. He also uses his body as a medium to build the connection between personal affect and specific historical narratives and places.



Chen Baiqi, born in Chenghai, Guangdong Province in 1991. He received a dual Master's degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Currently, Chen is a researcher of OCAT Shenzhen.


The Rivers and the Fool's Gold

2019.07.07, 7:30pm

还归何处,There They Return Again 三屏录像 three-channel video,40’03'',2019

《盘龙江植物图考》Botanical Iconograohy of the
Panlong River
,130 x 210 x 15 mm,208页/page,2019


OCAT深圳馆是OCAT(OCT Contemporary Art Terminal,简称OCAT)成立最早的机构,也是馆群中的总馆。其前身为OCT当代艺术中心,长期致力于国内和国际当代艺术和理论的实践和研究。从2005年开创至今,OCAT深圳馆一直围绕着艺术的创作和思考而展开其策展、研究和收藏工作。OCAT深圳馆的展览项目既包括了对艺术家个体实践的考察、研究、出版和展览,也包括对于艺术课题的深入研究和综合展示。

OCAT Shenzhen was founded in 2005 and functions as the headquarters of the OCAT (OCT Contemporary Art Terminal) Museums. As the first art establishment among the OCAT museums, OCAT Shenzhen has a long-term commitment to the practice and research in the field of contemporary art and theory both inside of China and in the international arena. The programs of OCAT focus on in-depth surveys, research, publication, and presentation of both individual artists and thematic group exhibitions.





在长期项目< 东岛博物志> 中,程新皓发起的艺术项目就是对东岛进行的再调查。他召集了学者和艺术家朋友们,以文字、录像、装置、摄影等多种媒介围绕着东岛进行了各自的创作并将之进行共置。这个项目试图从当代知识制造的角度,重新回应在和永玉在< 东岛博物志> 中所蕴含的超越于东方- 西方两种传统之外的新分类的可能性。



此作品回应的是玉龙山下茨满村在城市化过程中发生的事件。作品由四个部分构成,分别叙述了地质学的时间、村庄当下的时间、村庄的历史时间以及人的肉身处于这种时间之中的张力。为了在分析现实的同时保持现实的复杂性,不使其沦为某种简化的叙述,我试图提出复调叙事(Polyphonic Narrative)的方式以再现这些共存于当下的状况。

对一条河流的命名 (2014-2015)


The Fool's Gold is an ongoing solo exhibition by Cheng Xinhao in OCAT Shenzhen, curated by Chen Baiqi. In this exhibition, the artist focuses on the ethnic group “Mang”, who mostly living on the Sino-Vietnamese border, trying to sort out the hidden connection between the seemingly remote frontier and the coastal manufacturing center, and to reveal the link between governance, capital and practitioners.

This sharing will begin with this exhibition and introduce a series of projects started by Cheng Xinhao in 2013. Cheng was once a doctor of science and became a freelance artist after graduation. From the earliest series "The Naming of a River" to the ongoing "Strange Terrains" and "Nature History of the Eastern Island," the medium he used gradually changed from static images at the beginning to the waving of video, installation and text, but his working method based on research, field investigation and physical presence has been running through all the time. The curator and the artist will start from these changes and persistence, and talk about the tangle and trade-offs in artistic creation, research and presentation, as well as their respective new work plans.


The Nature History of the Eastern Island(2017-)

In his long-term project "Nature History of the Eastern Island", Cheng Xinhao launched a re-investigation on this island and also on Ho's legendary trip. He assembled his artists friends and made films, installations, sculptures and pictures. These works are new studies on the construction of knowledge.


Time from Different Sources(2015-2016)

This artwork is a response to these contingencies of urbanization about Ciman village. The four components of the artwork speak respectively of geological time, contemporary time in the village, historical time in the village, and the tension of the physical body existing within this time. I attempt to reconstruct these coexisting contemporary situations through a polyphonic narrative approach.

The Naming of a River(2014-2015)

The Panlong River is less than 100 km in length, and is the cradle of Kunming's civilization.The river presents itself so differently at various times and spaces, and thrives on every one of them. Therefore what I can feel about the river is only its projection within my lifetime and my living quarters, and apparently a metamorphic slice. I tried to be objective towards naming of it, but all I obtained is still the most personal treasures. These pieces of my treasure are the specimens about the river in various time/space dimensions. They interweave and consolidate into another equally complex river - a river named by me.