All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


,1986年生于乌鲁木齐,在上海、香·港和海德堡多地求学。现为德国海德堡大学全球艺术史系博士候选人,长居香·港。身份杂乱多变,曾经是学术出版社文艺编辑和国际新闻记者,也曾在香·港几所大学从事教学和研究工作。近年来逐渐沉淀,学会专注,热爱的领域是游戏、艺术、媒体和学术四个的交集所在。目前长期撰写游戏评论、艺术评论,主编有香·港端传媒游戏专栏《Game ON》,并为《苹果日报》撰写笔记型专栏《阿利雄志异》;文字之外,也探索其他表达的可能,目前的尝试有策展(2018深圳国际独立动画双年展《游戏共生》)、播客(另类文化播客《无业游民》创始人)。未来希望能够继续形散而神聚的吸收和创作。

Yang Jing
, born in 1986, Urumqi. She studies and works in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Germany. Right now she is a phd candidate in Global Art History in Heidelberg University. Yang is based in Hong Kong and works in various fields: an academic editor, a journalist of international news desk, a researcher and teacher in Chinese University and City University of Hong Kong. Fortunately, she begins to learn the art of focus, and narrows her interest in the intersection of game, art, media and research. Currently, she writes and reviews about game and art, manages the game channel Game On in Initium Media, and contributes to her own column Strange Stories from Allison's Studio. When she is now writing, she explores other ways of creative and critical expression; recent adventures include curating (Video Game: Cohabitant in 2018 Shenzhen International Independent Animation Biennale), podcast (The Unemployable).


The game is your open world

2019.06.17, 4pm/Workshop, 7:30pm/Sharing

warm up for the game in Hong Kong station 香港场讲解 explaining in Hong Kong station 台湾场第一小组游戏中 The first ground of Taiwan station is playing the game 感谢香港端传媒提供香港和台北的活动照片。 感谢摄影师小武拍摄个人照片。 Photo Credit: Initium Media, HumphreyWu






Making games and playing them are often separated actions taking place in different temporal/spatial contexts. Game designers create game rules and mechanism, sketch the contour of the game world, and invent characteristic protagonists and various NPCs. Game players purchase and install ready-made games, invest their time and brainwork into gameplay, and adventure in the open/close game map. The separation of game design and game play results in many classic topics in game studies, the subjectivity and inter-subjectivity of designers and players, the level of freedom lies in games for their players, how open is an open world game, to name a few.

To make game and to play it is basic human function. We like to say that life is like a play. Of course, here the metaphor lies in between life and theatre; but why not change it a bit, life is like a gameplay. Indeed life is a complex game. Its complexity stems not only from the number and variety of all the players in it, but also the tension in between contingencies and certainties of every single action/decision made by players as individuals and as a whole. In another word, life is a multi-player meta-game. As a player, we are always making, following, breaking and changing the rules in this game. In this game's system of rules, my choices are often embedded in those of the others, and vice-versa. Nobody knows where this game is heading for. At our best, we can strive to learn and make the best decision as we can. In this organic game, making game and playing is almost the same thing.

Therefore, the closest game to that of life should be one where the players and designers are one and the same people. That requires the participation of a group/community of volunteers who act as both game designers and players.


In this workshop in TOP, Yang Jing will take the role of game master, adapting the meta-board game A Quiet Year and facilitator the participants to explore the limitation and possibility of redesigning/playing this game. To be specific, the game story would be adapted to the community history of the neighborhood of TOP, and invite all the participants to advance the narrative to an open end. Yang Jing has previously conducted similar workshop in Hong Kong and Taipei. In these “fieldworks”, she observed how game is reenacted differently in different cultural and communal settings. In the end of TOP's workshop, she will share her notes and reflections on these nuances, put the play and the design back to the place where it happened, so to explore the critical element that impact the game.