All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


(1971年出生于英国爱丁堡)是一个在北京工作的艺术家与评论家。秦思源于1997年毕业于伦敦大学亚非学院的中国语言与文明专业。1998年到2002年,他工作于大英图书馆的国际敦煌学项目。这个项目致力于促进关于在敦煌发现大量的古代文献的收集和研究,并在中国国家图书馆建立项目的北京办事处。2002年,秦思源搬到中国,开始作为一个艺术家广泛地在中国、欧洲和美国举行展览。他正在创作一个新作品叫《声音博物馆》,一个多元化的长期项目包括探索历史中的声音、网络互动以及声音艺术。 秦思源2009 - 2010年任ShContemporary上海艺术博览会国际当代艺术展“上海当代”总监。他2006-2008年担任尤论斯当代艺术中心(UCCA)副馆长兼首席策展人,是该美术馆的核心筹划人之一。2003-2006年任英国大使馆文化教育处艺术经理,策划过一系列试验剧场、声音艺术和当代艺术项目,使更广泛的观众得以接触实验艺术。秦思源撰写大量关于当代艺术的文章,是Frieze杂志特约编辑。

Colin Siyuan Chinnery
(Edinburgh, 1971) is an artist and art critic based in Beijing. Chinnery graduated in Chinese Language and Civilisation at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in1997. From 1998 to 2002 he worked at the British Library's International Dunhuang Project, a project dedicated to facilitating international research of the voluminous collection of ancient manuscripts discovered in Dunhuang, setting up the project's Beijing office at the National Library of China.

In 2002 Chinnery moved to China and began exhibiting widely as an artist in China, Europe and the US. Currently he is developing a major new work titled Sound Museum, a multi-faceted artwork including a history of social sounds, sound art, online social engagement, and collaborative projects.

Chinnery was Director in 2009 and 2010 of ShContemporary Art Fair in Shanghai, and between 2006-2008 he was Deputy Director and Chief Curator of Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in Beijing, playing a central role in setting up China's first major contemporary art institution. Between 2003 and 2006, as Arts Manager for the British Council in Beijing, he initiated major projects in experimental theatre, live art, sound art, and visual arts, bringing a wider public into contact with experimental practice. Chinnery writes regularly about contemporary art and is contributing editor for Frieze magazine.


Self and Sound

2019.04.18 7:30pm

Chinnery sound recording
screen capture of Colin Siyuan Chinnery's 
vlog, 2018


Sound Museum is exploring the relationship between people and sound – sound produced by people or for people. Our soundscape is constantly changing, old sounds disappear and new sounds emerge, but familiar sounds become linked to our emotional memory, giving them personal meaning far beyond their objective attributes. Sound Museum is primariy a long-term artwork, but it’s an artwork that brings together disparate strands such as history, urban environment, art, music, and sociology.