All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


,1960生于中国山西。1983广州美术学院本科毕业。1992英国伦敦大学斯莱德美术学院研究生毕业。现为广州时代美术馆黄边站(当代艺术研究中心)负责人, 兼华南师范大学美术学院教授。其录像和公共装置作品主要探索“复制”和“转换”过程中出现的错位和对文化理解和翻译局限性的问题,并通过将语言翻译推倒极端的方式,来试探测意义的边界。他最近的工作计划包括:“你是我的实现的梦”。近年主要参展: “Giorgio Andreotta Calo, Jalal Toufic, 黄小鹏”, 白教堂美术馆,伦敦(英国), 2011; “跟后殖民说再见 -- 第三届广州三年展”,广东美术馆(中国) 2008; “十三个:今日中国影像”,纽約P.S.1当代艺术心, MOMA(美国); “别样:一个特殊的现代化实验空间,第二届广州三年展”,广东美术馆(中国) 2005。同时撰文: “作为艺术计划的教育”,Printed Projects11(第53届威尼斯双年展参展刊物,2009)。

Huang Xiaopeng
, born 1960, China. He studied for an MA at the Slade in London(1990-92). He is the director of HB STATION(contemporary art research centre), Guangzhou Time museum and Professor in South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China. His video and public installation works explores inevitable dislocations as a consequence of translating, copying and transforming, to test the boundaries of meaning. His exhibitions include: “Giorgio Andreotta Calo, Jalal Toufic, Huang Xiaopeng”, Whitechapel Gallery, London (UK), 20011; “The 3rd Guangzhou Triennial”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou (China), 2008; “The Thirteen: Chinese Video Now”, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, MOMA, New York (U.S.), 2006; “The Second Guangzhou Triennial”, Guangdong Museum Of Art, Guangzhou (China), 2005. He has also contributed critical text “Education as an Art Project” to Printed Projects 11, Dublin, 2009 (the 53rd Venice Biennial), 2009.


Huang Xiaopeng, K.O.H.D.


放映Screening ︎


敲扣天门K.O.H.D / 60’ / 录像 / 2016  K.O.H.D. / 60’ / video / 2016-


This is a surreal collage “Essay Film” of alienation in the Dream-world. By following Duchamp's "ready-made" concept,most of my materials are adopted from everyday life around me from the past 10 years: texts ( lyrics, advertisements, news and conversations) and images (shot with a DVcam whenever and wherever, copied from DVDs, downloaded from the internet or recaptured from TV…). Using Google online translation to deconstruct these texts, and re-encode the time and the space, resulting in mutual redefinition, constant accumulation and extension, so that these different contexts under the independent and unrelated elements cross-collide with each other, and finally expand into a whole fragment, creating a gap in the language and eventually being lost to infinite transmission of meanings. With soundtracks of Chinese and Western love songs that completely lose their original meanings in a new context, when the translation turns them into political staments,became like poetry in our absurd time.