All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 



Yang Yang
, Ethnic Hui. Born in Yakeshi City, Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia in 1993. Living and working in Guangzhou now.


There are areas where no one knows that freedom belongs only to eagles.

2019.03.13 7:30pm

放映Screening ︎

《羊》 Sheep
《橘子》 Orange
《刀》Knife knife
《⽩驹过隙》Foal gap
Warm sunshine
No hunger, no food
《渡》Pull Through

Rub off the harness, Ready-made brass products, 16×7×16cm, 2017





突然在网络上点开一段连接,里面的展现的是一段IS血腥暴力的屠杀场面,过后许久才能镇定下来 。我们可以退出连接选择忘记这段并没有联系的事件,也如同在便利的消费现代选择个人的处世生活与回避。而那些平行世界发生的事件也对于我们来说事不关己,但有意义的是经过事物(影像处理)表面的变化,你所看到的是一种视觉的美丽虚幻,你会一直的看下去。时间的推进,不断地转动,我们看到不断变换的现实切面。有些转动在历史中重叠,有些转动帮助我们理解。每个瞬息都值得欣赏,每此转换都得以珍惜。









In the past, when information was scarce, the problems in life were solved when they appeared. In the process of my creation, most of the origins are inspired by various encounters in life, but also some unclear, even in the time with the works, I do not know what this is. And this comes from the instinctive feedback to life, and will not give rational thinking to give the work a certain definition. Moreover, just after a few years, how many life experiences can there be? What can withstand deliberation and precipitation? On the contrary, it is in this situation that it is so unique in life.


In the early morning smoke of the grassland, herdsmen's life begins with clearing the garden. In a city not far away, an old man leads his children to pray for the dead in a mosque. In the meadow near the edge of town, sheepfold fences were opened and shepherds were counting whether the sheep number was the same as yesterday. Sheep and lambs rushed out to climb the hillside and disappeared in the early morning mist. The hens slaughtered in the mosque were pardoned by the Scriptures in Amu’s mouth for the innocence of the eaters. At this time, in the mountains and woods to find a team of lambs. It didn't keep up with the sheep because its eyes were blind, so let's eat it! In the deserted town public security bureau, an old man with cerebral hemorrhage was doing rehabilitation training by himself, slowly moving his feet, while a naked intruder next to him went deep into the broken building. The Shepherd is driving away the scattered sheep in the flock, and two wrestlers in the crowd are pulling each other's weight. Horses run on the grass and people pray in the temple. The sheep returning at night enter the sheepfold, and the shepherd enters the house to replenish his food and clothing. Young people learn how to worship and pray in temples. It's late at night and the pasture is slowly surrounded by light fog. It's early morning again. The shepherd counted whether the sheep were as numerous as they were yesterday. They climbed the hillside and walked on the footprints of yesterday. Young people kept looking at the distance.


Suddenly, a connection was opened on the internet, showing a bloody and violent massacre scene of IS. It took a long time to calm down. We can opt out of the connection and forget this unrelated event, just as we choose our personal life and avoidance in the convenient consumption of modern times. What happens in parallel worlds is irrelevant to us, but what is meaningful is the change of the surface of things (image processing). What you see is a beautiful illusion of vision, which you will always see. With the advance of time and constant rotation, we can see the changing reality. Some rotations overlap in history, and some help us understand. Every instant is worth appreciating, and every transformation must be cherished.

Knife knife

The characters in the film are the oldest hunter and knife-maker in the tribes who live and work in the village and town nursing home, who are good at hunting and knife-making. They return to the mountain forest to build a hunting knife together. The transformation of tools is particularly prominent in the forest. The process is also the transmission of experience. It is inconvenient for the old people to move, but they enter a certain state when they are beating.

Foal gap

Snow closed the mountain, I wandered aimlessly towards the top of the mountain, until it disappeared in the image.

Warm sunshine

After years of studying abroad and not returning home, I went back to my hometown to meet my mother again. My reaction was a little Muna and dull, but she always thought I was a little child. We agreed to watch a sunrise on the grassland where we played in our childhood. As we get closer to each other's body, we also have some stiff discomfort.

No hunger, no food

Over the years, we have accumulated some daily images, which are scattered and disordered, but also come from the growth of thinking in life. There are some unknown possibilities in the whole. Occasionally, in an article, we talked about that keeping hunger will make people cleaner and over-eating will make us lazy and obscure. ("If anyone can control his stomach, he will actually control his beliefs; Hunger, who has the ability to control their own behavior. Imam Ibrahim Ben Edham) may be in the process of modern daily life, depending on the development and extension of the relationship between the characteristics of various things, how can we control to avoid imbalances, image collage presentation is also an effort to gather the daily relevance of a certain balance.