All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


,艺术家、策展人。1992年生于泉州,2016在欧洲对各国先锋艺术家群体进行专题采访与写作。2018于泉州发起野骨力艺术项目,通过泉州五代时期方志史、田野调查、采访历史人物后代等方式收集资料撰写驻地计划背景文本,策划泉州野骨力国际艺术驻地创作计划“阿尼姆斯”。同年策划方志小说联合驻地写作泉州华侨新村驻地写作“游吟诗人的锚点”, 2018年12月发起泉州-横滨艺术驻地交流,2019年将作为研究员参与横滨BAZAAR艺术节。策划展览有“泉州文化遗产与新艺术计划”(横滨),“天地无用,われもの注意”(横滨),布拉格艺术家言·马丁内茨(Jan Martinec)个展“不再凝视”(Gaze Nowhere),芬兰艺术家劳拉·普斯卡(Laura Puska)个展“矛盾螺旋”等展览。”

Chen Deming
, born in 1992, is an artist and curator based in Quanzhou, China. During his studies in Europe in 2016, he conducted interviews and writings featuring young contemporary artists. In 2018, Chen launched the Wild Effort Art Program in Quanzhou, committed to sharing contemporary art and creating local art community via exhibitions and artist residencies “Animus”. The same year, Chen held the writing residency program “Anchor of the troubadour” that profiled the Overseas Chinese Village in Quanzhou as part of the collaborative Gazetteer-Novel residency program, and launched the exchange programs for artists between Quanzhou, China and Yokohama, Japan. He will be visiting Koganecho, Yokohama in Japan in July 2019 as the research fellow. His curatorial works include “New Art Project and Cultural Heritage from Quanzhou (Jan. 2019, Yokohama)”, “Tentimuyou Waremonotyuui (Jan. 2019, Yokohama)”,  Czech artist Jan Martinect’s solo exhibition,“Gaze No More (May 2018, Quanzhou)”, and Finnish artist Laura Puska’s solo exhibition “I am closer to you than you think (Nov. 2018, Quanzhou)“.


Anchor of the troubadour

2019.03.06 7:30pm

Tentimuyou Waremonotyuui——
This Side Up, Be Cautious,
Yokohama, Japan, 2019

The layout of Quanzhou ancient city,
the yellow is the fifth generation of the city wall (AD886),
the red is the fifth generation of the late wall



1. 遗传记忆放映机/Animus




3. 天地无用,易碎注意/天地无用,われもの注意





In Quanzhou, a novel is in the making.
Artists gather in the old town, for a thousand-year-old name.
Relics gaze, and stories spread.
The legend of Liu Congxiao of Five Dynasties continues,
in King’s abandoned garden,
time shifted back to modern times.
People write stories inside stories,
with fortuity and actions.
Now, please turn the page to Chapter 2.

—— Excerpt from “Anchor of Troubadour”

Animus/ A Projector which Renders Genetic Memories 

The outline of Aminus project had gradually come to my mind during my two-year field research about Quanzhou.  The idea then became the first experimental curating project launched in Quanzhou, Fujian, in collaboration with curator Long Yitang and artist Lin Guiming. The project proposed a perspective that treats the city itself as a creature, and uses the organic city space as exhibition space.

Anchor of Troubadour / Gazetteer-Novel residency program

On October 2018, troubadours gathered again in the overseas Chinese village in Quanzhou for another performance. Through the combination of narration, (re)writing and art making of local stories, Wild Effort Art Project sought for reconstruct the potential path leading people to discover different layers of memory about the overseas Chinese village.

Tentimuyou Waremonotyuui / This Side Up, Be Cautious.

On December 2018, Wild Effort Art Project held another artists-in-residency in Yokohama, Japan at the invitation of Koganecho Area Management Center (NPO). WEAP visited Japan for the first time, explored collaboration between curators, artists, programmers and art communities, and created a serious joke in between cultures.

——Chen Deming
(Translated by 哐啷啷)

Wild Effort Art Project (WEAP)

Wild Effort Art Project (WEAP) was launched in Quanzhou, Fujian in March, 2018 by a group of storytellers, artists and curators. Via exhibitions and artist residencies, WEAP is committed to sharing contemporary art with a wider audience, discovering and growing with artists. Originated from the curiosity of the virtual world, WEAP explores the system of human memory remains, treasure hunting for episodic lost memory, then decodes them as open source scripts ready to be uploaded to the reality.