All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 


1986年生于瑞士。自2009年来,雷伯特斯参加了许多展览,主要是在欧洲、北美、韩国、尼日利亚、墨西哥和黎巴嫩等地区。他荣获过法国阿尔勒国际摄影节PotoFolio Review奖(2010)、瑞士摄影奖(2012)、基弗哈布利策尔奖(2012)和沃韦国际摄影奖(2013-2014)。2014年,他的作品参展悉尼双年展。2015年,他在瑞士洛桑剧院完成了他的第一场戏剧演出。自2011年以来,他先后被苏黎世Nicola Von Senger画廊、柏林Feldbusch Wiesner Rudolph画廊和安特卫普Stieglitz19画廊代理。

Augustin Rebetez
(b. 1986, Switzerland). Since 2009, Augustin Rebetez has participated in numerous exhibitions, primarily in Europe but also in North America, South Korea, Nigeria, Mexico and Lebanon.  He was awarded the PhotoFolio Review prize at the Rencontres d’Arles in France (2010), the Swiss Photo Award (2012), the Kiefer Hablitzel Prize (2012) and the Vevey International Photo Award (2013-2014). In 2014 his work was exhibited at the Biennale of Sydney. In 2015 he completed his first play for the stage at the Théâtre de Vidy in Lausanne. Since 2011, he is represented by Nicola Von Senger in Zürich, followed by Feldbusch Wiesner Rudolph in Berlin and Stieglitz19 in Antwerp.


Throw your shadows


无题,蒙上你的影子 ,
包括洛朗·古德尔(噪音)、尼克拉斯·布隆伯格(表演)、米拉·拉赫蒂宁(表演)、罗曼·贝格(造景设计)和路易斯·容德(灯光)由第四届深圳独立动画双年展委约创作 Untitled, Throw Your Shadows, video-installation still picture, 2018
"Throw Your Shadows" curated by Holly Roussell,
Augustin Rebetez was produced in collaboration with Laurent Güdel (noise), Niklas Blomberg (acting), Milla Lahtinen (acting), Romain Berger (set design), and Louis Riondel (lights).
Commissioned by The 4th Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale

奥古斯丁·雷伯特斯(1986)运用多种媒介工作,包括绘画、摄影、录像、雕塑、装置和戏剧。 艺术家正在开发一个由人物、怪物和特殊机器组成的世界,这些都映射了他丰富的想象力。 雷伯特斯从原生艺术以及部落设计中汲取灵感,构建了一个多方面的工作体系,无法对其进行分类。 雷伯特斯的作品似乎是传说和仪式的古老传统的一部分。 他的创作涉及一个奇特而美妙的世界,它在梦想和梦魇之间摇摆,轻松愉快。 雷伯特斯是一位现代炼金术士,通过运动和声音,将平庸的现实转化为诗意的小说。

Augustin Rebetez (1986) works in various media including painting, photography, video, sculpture, installations and theatre. The artist is developing a universe populated by characters, chimeras and peculiar machines which reflect his exuberant imagination. Drawing inspiration from outsider and folk art brut as well as tribal design, Rebetez constructs a multifacetted body of work that defies categorisation. Rebetez’s work seems to form part of an ancient tradition of legends and rites. His creations relate to a wondrous and fantastic world which swings between dream and nightmare, the lighthearted and the serious. A modern alchemist, Rebetez plays with movement and sound, transforming banal reality into poetic fiction.