All Tomorrows, All Todyas 
Walking With Two Feet 



Cai Suo, Li Yanming, Liu Sheng, Wu Huansong, Xie Jianbo, You Qi, Yu Xudong, Zheng Hongbin, Zhou Lei, Wang Bin, Chao Guoxiong

西三电影制片厂- 落田做野
Fall field do wild

2017年11月26日 周日 19:30
2017.11.26 Sun. 19:30pm

▲《联合制片》展览现场 Production Associate Exhibition Secene

▲西三村民在白石洲拍摄之后,于圈子艺术中心合照After shooting in Baishizhou, Xisan villagers took a photo at the Circle Art Center.

▲西三演播室主持兼评论员:李公明 Xisan Studio host & commentator: Li Gongming

▲西三村 Xisan village

《在猎食者的胃里》In the Stomach of the Predator






西三电影制片厂邀约近百位西三村的住民,前往深圳一个15 万人不得不离开的城中村——白石洲。他们把城中村作为珠三角居民持存的生存处境来拍摄,城中村的现实,就是西三村的现实。此次集体行动,在协同村民去面对自身处境的同时,我们还试图去践行一种“公民记者”身份:人人都是问题的记录者和参与者;并希望能够为“居民”未来参议城市生活提供一种可能的想象与讨论空间。




When looking back at the experience of taking photos for half year in the Xisan village, the frequent gesture of holding the mobile phone for shooting has proven that “everyone is the recorder of problems”. Sometimes, we feel that there are a lot of things to do for Xisan Film Production Factory, which is the luck for us; sometimes, we feel that something we're doing and we are preparing to do is like paying debts, because it's too late to start. But we will abide by a principle that we don't want to mention, that's to face the problems in village directly. In fact, it is not an attitude that the villagers like and most of the villagers hold the opinion that they will support you, but they never do it with you. Therefore, several months ago, we made a decision that we were supposed to highlight connecting villagers together and we shall take the opportunity of exhibition to invite villagers to shoot photos on Baidanzhou in Shenzhen where there are 150,000 people being forced to move on the “village” of the city. We hope to be closer to the villagers by taking such temporary and collective actions.

This is an action plan. The village in the city, there are some villagers who want to tell the truth of their living and subsistence in public. For them, it might be not easy to survive and speak because of the consumption of media and direction of the public opinion. The result of it has truly became a society issue. In the context of Xisan village’s practical activity and action plan, the artists want to take back the rights of speech for villagers by using cell-phone camera.

Xisan Film Production Factory has invited nearly 100 residents in Xisan village to visit the “village” of the city in Shenzhen where 150,000 people are forced to leave it. They take the “village” of the city as the living situation for the residents living in the Pearl River Delta, which is also the material for shooting photos. The reality of the “village” of the city is also the reflection of Xisan village. The collective action aims at providing the villagers with the great opportunity to face their own situation, at the same time, we also attempt act as a citizen journalist: everyone is the recorder and participant in problems; it is hoped that we are able to provide "residents" with  possible space for discussion and imagination when being engaged in city life in the future.

Xisan film studio is not an art institution. It is a “movie festival” which is planed by a group of artists who are living in this village until now. The artists have no rights to intervene the public issues. They have just been temporary established the collective action as a film studio in Xisan village.

The whole project is build on the basic conception of third-party survey and consultant, and it regards the mobile phone as an intuitive tool to explore the rights and interests of people's livelihood of the village among the multiple strengths represented by viaduct bridge, drainage ditch and high-grade residential area. We interpret each short film produced by mobile phone into the separate scene of real movie, and these short films shot for those people who live in here and about the things truly happened at the moment will screen in Xiangqian cinema of the food stall under Dongsha bridge, the hairdressing place of Liangbo, the temporary screening square of Xisan village park and the video halls reconstructed by a house owned by a citizen. We hope that it can be the enlightening space for the villagers’ awareness of their own rights and interests and the public place where the social contradictions and villagers' appeals can be screened.